Experience a thrilling 85 seconds of free fall and the highest tandem skydive in the Southern Hemisphere!
Skydive at an extraordinary 18,000ft, enjoying the thrill of jumping out of a plane, free falling through the sky at 200kph/120mph and floating safely to the ground under a parachute!
Enjoy a skydive in one of the most beautiful places on earth, with Franz Josef Glacier nestled between New Zealand’s highest mountains, the Tasman Sea, beautiful rainforests, glaciers and lakes!
The tandem skydive includes a harness and parachute system for both the passenger and the instructor to share, so you can enjoy the thrill of the experience knowing your instructor has everything under control.
Take sightseeing to new heights with the highest tandem skydive in the Southern Hemisphere!
All prices are shown in NZD ($)
It's wonderful,interesting experience
如果正在猶豫要不要跳傘,那麼絕對要選 19000呎!太低的高度會讓你還沒回神就拉傘,你甚至還沒有意識到剛剛經歷了什麼。你可以望見冰川,眺望塔斯曼海,享受冷風撲面襲來的衝擊,立刻上癮!
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luningx from China wrote on 02 September 2020
全新西兰最佳跳伞无疑了!可以看到西海岸,冰川,雨林,Mt Cook,特别是好天气的时候,简直太过完美了。而且教练感觉非常有经验,整个过程很平稳,还在空中转圈几次。摄影师也尽心尽力,出来的视频和照片还不错。很幸运,在level 2之前跳了伞!而且集合地就在我酒店前台。不过如果有张跳伞证书就更完美了!